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Dog gamboling in the snow

Is the microchip a GPS?

The microchip, contrary to popular belief, is not a tracking device. You won't know your pet's location. The microchip is a permanent identification that must be read using a microchip reader. That means that if your pet is found and brought to a veterinary clinic or animal shelter, they will be able to scan the microchip and find your information. Don't forget to update your personal information on the microchip if you move or change phone numbers. For more information, click here.

Kitten on the Stairs

Can I ask for an antibiotic prescription over the phone for my pet?

No. Even if your pet has a recurring condition, your pet should be seen by a 

veterinarian before being prescribed anything. Unless the medication is renewable in the file, it will not be prescribed without an exam or follow-up. It is not uncommon for the cause of an infection, for example an ear infection, to vary from one infection to the next and for the treatment to differ each time. Antibiotic resistance is an important issue and must not be taken lightly. If the drug used is unsuitable, there is a risk of developing antibiotic resistance. For more information,

click here.

How should I prepare for a visit at the vet?

Make sure you have all the important documents (certificates, medical file) with you. It is especially important if you are visiting a new veterinary clinic. If your animal is anxious, it's possible to request a prescription for anxiolytics before the day of the examination in order to make everything more pleasant for you and your animal during the veterinary exam.

Cat Close Up

What is a dewormer?

A dewormer is a medical treatment that aims to kill and expel intestinal parasites. A dewormer can be given as treatment, as well as in prevention. Dewormers can be found under several forms: oral (pill or chew) or topical. Puppies and kittens should be wormed once a month until they are 6 months old. Expect to deworm your pet every year. Animals that go outside will be dewormed every month during the warmer seasons. An annual dewormer will be recommended for pets staying mostly inside. Different dewormers treat different parasites. Speak with your veterinarian to choose the right treatment for your pet.

Dog lying in the grass
Dogs Running

Why are vaccines important for my animal?

There are several vaccines that exist to protect your pet, however, not all animals need all vaccines – it all depends on their daily lifestyle and their risk of exposure to disease. The purpose of vaccinating your animal is to protect it against infectious and potentially fatal diseases and prevent their spread. At Clinique Vétérinaire Lasalle, we will create a personalized vaccination plan based on your pet's lifestyle.

Serious Cat

Why are annual check-ups important?

Like in humans, an annual medical exam is important in order to evaluate your pet's health and to detect problems which may have gone unnoticed. Unfortunately, our cats and dogs cannot speak to us when something is wrong. Some health issues are subtle and might escape your notice. Every year, we assess their general condition; heart, lungs, eyes, ears, mouth, joints, skin, weight and more! We want to provide you with our most professional advice and recommendations, in order to make the necessary adjustments to maintain your companion's health.

At what age should I have my pet spayed or neutered?

It all depends on the species, breed and size of your animal. In cats, spaying/neutering is recommended around 6-7 months of age. In small dogs, around 7 months. For large dog breeds, we recommend discussing the topic with your veterinarian, to determine the best time to spay/neuter your pet.

A black cat in a paper bag

I saw a tick on my pet, what should I do?

You can remove the tick on your own, with a tick hook, making sure to remove the entire head! If you are not comfortable, please call your veterinarian to make an appointment to have it removed for you. Screening for Lyme disease (as well as 2 other tick-borne diseases) is recommended in dogs, 6 weeks after the bite.

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Why is declawing no longer performed?

Onyxectomy, commonly known as declawing, is an amputation of the third phalanx of the finger. The procedure can cause orthopedic pain, possibly chronic. Studies have shown that declawed cats are 7 times more likely to develop inappropriate behaviors, such as urinating outside the litter box.



The Order of Veterinary Physicians of Quebec, “disapproves of this surgery when not medically required”. To find out about alternatives to declawing, click here.

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What is heartworm disease?

Heartworm, called dirofilariasis, is a blood parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. This disease is more often found in dogs. The mosquito takes its blood meal from an animal that has the disease and then transmits the microfilaria to your dog through…a bite! Heartworms take 6 months to develop and the adult form dwells in your companion's heart where they reproduce. Adult worms look like spaghetti noodles. Fortunately, heartworm prevention exists to protect your pet.

My dog ate chocolate, what should I do?

Call your veterinarian immediately! Chocolate can be very toxic to pets. Make sure you know the type of chocolate (dark, milk, white, etc.), the amount of chocolate ingested, your dog's weight, and the moment when your dog ate the chocolate. The veterinarian will be able to calculate the risk and severity of intoxication. We may recommend that you come in for a consultation immediately and treat it as an emergency. For more information on toxic foods, click here.

Cat in snow

Why does my cat urinate outside its litter box?

There are several reasons why a cat would urinate at undesired places;
urinary tract infection, crystals/stones in the bladder, partial urinary blockage, bladder inflammation caused by stress, behavior, etc. First, an examination and a urinalysis are recommended in order to target the problem. Afterwards, the veterinarian will be able to give you the best recommendations and plan of treatment.  

Beagle Puppy
Dog by the Beach

Can I give my cat canned food?

Absolutely ! Cats tend not to drink enough water and wet food contains a high percentage of water which helps keep them well hydrated. Also, it is important to introduce canned food at a young age to get them used to it. Canned food is often recommended for sick cats because it is palatable and hydrating due to its high water content. Canned food is also well used for weight loss programs because of its high values in protein and low carbs!

Gray Kitten in the Town Square

What are the regulations on the Island of Montreal for owning cats and dogs?

To know the regulations in place concerning the amount of pets per household, please refer to the city's website. Sterilization is mandatory for all dogs, cats and rabbits over 6 months of age (medical exemption by a veterinarian is the only exception) . The microchip is mandatory for all dogs and cats aged 6 months and over.

Is it really important to brush my pet's teeth?

Just like us, brushing their teeth is important and should be done daily to avoid the buildup of plaque and tartar that can lead to advanced periodontal disease and pain. Periodontal disease can lead to the need for surgical teeth extractions and teeth cleaning under general anesthesia. For more information, click here .

Yawning Cat

How should I transition to a new food?

To avoid rejection of a new food or digestive upset in dogs and cats, make a gradual transition over a period of 7 to 10 days. For an effective transition to a new formula, we recommend that you gradually mix in the new food like so:

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  • Day 1 & 2: 25% new formula + 75% old formula

  • Day 3 & 4: 50 / 50 old and new formula

  • Day 5 & 6: 75% new formula + 25% old formula

  • Day 7 & 8: 100% new forum


If you notice any changes in your pet's eating behavior or stool quality, contact your veterinarian.

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