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  • Writer's pictureClinique Vet LaSalle

Why Clicker Train?

What is “Clicker Training”?

  • A “Clicker” is a tool used to assist in dog training.

  • Clicker training can be used to learn a new desired behavior that at the same time can also replace an unwanted behavior.

  • Clicker training is a positive reinforcement, the most effective way to train your pet. Dogs will want to repeat an action based on how they previously felt. If the experience was positive, such as they earned a reward, they are more likely to want to repeat it.

What Are Its Advantages?

  • The Clicker’s click remains the same thus its meaning never varies; this allows for a clear message to be sent to the pet each time.

  • Clicker training allows for the animal to think, which means they are mentally stimulated.

  • The Clicker allows for precise timing.

  • Pets are motivated to learn and train because they know they will be rewarded.

Step 1: Click then Treat

  • Simply click the device and a second later, give a treat to your pet.

  • Repeat this action a couple of times.

  • By doing so, the sound of the Clicker will become associated with a reward, a good feeling.

Step 2: Action, Click then Treat

  • Using a treat, guide your pet into doing the desired action. Once the action is performed, click instantly, then say the vocal command, and finally give a treat.

  • The clicking sound indicates to the animal that the desired action was performed thus timing is very important.

  • Repeat step two multiple times until the command is fully understood.

Step 3: Ask, Action, Click then Treat

  • Without guiding your pet with a treat, say the vocal command to your pet.

  • Once the desired action is completed, click then give a treat.

  • If this step is too difficult, go back to step 2.

Types of Rewards:

  • There are several ways to reward your animal, the important thing is to find what motivates them. Some animals are very fond of one type and others need variability. Here are the different reward categories:

1. Treats (cookies, carrots, peanut butter, sausages, cheeses… watch out for the calories)

2. Voice (soft or high-pitched when congratulating them);

3. Caresses (usually on the back so as not to get too excited or annoyed);

4. Toys (pull-rope, squeaky toys);

Remember that for any training, patience and perseverance is key.

Melanie S.

Animal health technician

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